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Call for Abstracts

Call for Abstracts

The International Scientific Committee (ISC) welcomes papers for oral presentations and poster presentations at the XIX World Water Congress, which will be presented during the main Congress programme. Experts, academics, policymakers, water professionals, private sector practitioners, and civil society stakeholders from all disciplines and perspectives who wish to share their work and experiences during the Congress are invited to submit abstracts. Abstracts can only be submitted online through Oxford Abstracts Platform.

Submission Guidelines

Abstracts should clearly describe the research, analysis, project or investigation in no more than 400 words and must include the following descriptions:

(a) The purpose or thesis of the work.

(b) The key issue(s) or problem(s) addressed.

(c) The methodology or approach used.

(d) The results or conclusions derived from the project.

(e) Relevance to the congress theme.

Abstracts must be prepared in English and cannot include graphs, charts, diagrams, images, abbreviations, references or citations. When submitting your abstract on the submission platform, you will be required to select one of the Congress sub-themes and indicate whether you will deliver an oral or poster presentation.

Presenters of accepted abstracts will have to pay the registration fees to present their work at the Congress. The payment deadline will be communicated to all submitters in due course

The extended deadline for submitting Paper/Project Abstracts is April 15, 2025.