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Call for Special Sessions

Call for Special Sessions

The International Scientific Committee (ISC) welcomes Special Session proposals from organizations or groups that wish to host a session or workshop that presents their work on subjects related to the theme and/or subthemes of the XIX World Water Congress. The format of the Special Session can vary from panel discussions to workshops, and innovative formats are welcome.

The Special Sessions are part of the main programme and are open to all Congress attendees. There is no charge to host a Special Session, but all speakers must be registered, and any additional expenses beyond the provision of the room and standard audio-visual equipment must be managed by the session organizers.

Submission Guidelines

A Special Session is typically 90 minutes long and must be aligned with at least one of the Congress sub-themes.

A Special Session Proposal must be prepared in English, should clearly describe the proposed programme in no more than 700 words and cannot include graphs, charts, diagrams, images, abbreviations, references or citations, but should include:

(a) Title and a short description of the session (and alignment with which Congress sub-themes).

(b) The name of the lead and partner organization(s).

(c) The session objectives, justifications, and projected outcomes, which must be aligned with the Congress theme.

(d) How the session will be organized and by whom.

(e) A list of presenters who are proposed to speak with their preliminary presentation proposals in the session (indicating those who have already committed).

(f) A description of financial and other resources that could be committed to realizing the session.

The deadline for submitting Special Sessions Proposals is March 15, 2025.