Days To Go

Less than 1 Year to Go: The XIX World Water Congress is Coming!

In less than one year, global water experts, researchers, policymakers, the private sector, local and international organisations will gather in Marrakech, Morocco, from December 1-5, 2025, for the XIX World Water Congress hosted by the Ministry of Equipment and Water (MEE), of Morocco and the International Water Resources Association (IWRA).

Under the theme “Water in a Changing World: Innovation and Adaptation”, this Congress will address critical challenges and opportunities in water governance, sustainability, and innovation. It offers a unique platform for a diverse audience to:

  • Exchange knowledge, practices and ideas
  • Showcase cutting-edge research and innovations
  • Build partnerships across sectors and disciplines
  • Co-develop actionable solutions for global water governance, security, and sustainability

What’s New?

The sub-themes for the Congress have been finalized! These include:

  1. Water Governance, Financing, and Planning During Uncertainty
  2. Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus (WEFE Nexus)
  3. Water Security and Water-related Risks
  4. Towards Innovation and a Smart Water Future
  5. Groundwater Challenges and Opportunities
  6. Water for Sustainable Development
  7. Water Quality and One Health Opportunities

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